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MZ7-1600/MZE-2500 Three-Wire Three-arc Sumberged-Arc Welder

Mochini oa ho Welding

MZ7-1600/MZE-2500 Three-Wire Three-arc Sumberged-Arc Welder


Ka bobeli phepelo ea motlakase le trolley ea ho tjheseletsa li amohela taolo le puisano ea DSP ea dijithale kaofela

Sistimi e na le polokelo ea litsebi tse hahelletsoeng kahare mme e ka boloka le li-parameter tse 30 tsa tloaelo

E na le arc qala anti sticking le ts'ebetso ea ho taka ea othomathike holim'a arc stop

Pontšo ea dijithale ea hajoale/voltage/e tsamaeang ka lebelo le ho seta esale pele

Maqhubu a puisano le potoloho ea mosebetsi li ka fetoloa

Ts'ebetso ea nako e le 'ngoe ea mehloli ea matla ea AC le DC ha e ame kapa e kena-kenana

Ho kenya mocheso o tlase, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea welding

    Ho na le mefuta e 'meli ea metjhini e othomang ea terata e meraro ea li-arc e ikatisang ka tlas'a metsi e hlahisoang ke Sichuan Morrow Welding Development Co., Ltd. E 'ngoe e entsoe ka mochini o le mong oa MZ7-1600 inverter DC submerged arc welding le tse peli tsa MZE-1250 inverter AC/ Mechini e kolobisang arc e kentsoeng ka metsing; Mofuta o mong o na le mochini o le mong oa MZ7-1600 inverter DC o kentsoeng ka tlas'a metsi oa arc le mochini o le mong oa MZE-2500 inverter AC/DC o kentsoeng ka metsing oa arc. Se latelang se hlahisa mofuta oa bobeli oa mochini o tjheseletsang oa li-arc oa terata tse tharo o ikatisang ka metsing.

    The MZE-2500 inverter AC/DC submerged arc welding machine e amohela IGBT module full bridge soft switching inverter technology. MZE-2500 e le 'ngoe e ka khona ho etsa hore e be sesebelisoa se loketseng ho tjheseletsa litšepe tse fapaneng tse mahareng le tse teteaneng ka tšepe e matla e phahameng haholo, tšepe ea nickel le litlhoko tse tlase tsa mocheso. Theknoloji ea mantlha ea mochini ona ke ho tjheseletsa ka nako e le 'ngoe ha lithapo tse peli tse teteaneng tsa DC tse nang le arc e le 'ngoe ka letamong le entsoeng ka ho qhibilihisoa, e' ngoe ka pele le e 'ngoe ka morao. Ka taolo e ntle ea dijithale ea DSP, lithapo tse peli tse teteaneng tsa DC ha li ame kapa li kena-kenana, 'me maqhubu a lithapo tse peli tsa welding a ka hlophisoa ka thoko.

    Ha mochine o le mong oa MZE-2500 inverter AC/DC o ka tlas'a metsi oa arc o kopantsoe le MZ7-1600 inverter DC submerged arc welding machine ho etsa mochini oa ho tjheseletsa arc o nang le terata e meraro, mohala oa pele ke motlakase oa DC. terata ea ho tjheseletsa e nang le ho kenella ho tebileng le matla a matla a ho kenella holim'a poleiti ea tšepe, mohala oa bobeli oa phepelo ea motlakase oa AC o sebelisoa ho eketsa palo ea tšepe le ho tlatsa, 'me mohala oa boraro oa phepelo ea motlakase oa AC o sebelisoa ho eketsa palo ea tšepe. le ho koahela bokahodimo.

    Ka botenya bo ntseng bo eketseha ba lipoleiti tse cheselitsoeng le nts'etsopele e tsoelang pele ea tšepe e matla haholo, litlhoko tsa lits'ebetso tsa ho tjheseletsa li ntse li phahama le ho feta, e leng se fanang ka litlhoko tse phahameng tsa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea welding. Tšebeliso ea terata e habeli, lithapo tse tharo, le litšepe tse 'nè le tsona lia eketseha.