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Mochini oa ho Welding oa Gouging

Mochini oa ho Welding oa Gouging

MZ7 Series of Inverter Automatic SAW Welding Machine (DSP All-digital Control)MZ7 Series of Inverter Automatic SAW Welding Machine (DSP All-digital Control)

MZ7 Series of Inverter Automatic SAW Welding Machine (DSP All-digital Control)



■ Mojule oa IGBT e le sesebelisoa sa mantlha sa matla, sebelisa theknoloji ea li-switch-switch, e sebetsang hantle haholo, ho boloka matla.

■ Taolo ea DSP tsohle tsa dijithale le puisano ea mochini le terekere

■ E na le database ea litsebi ka hare, e ka boloka li-parameter tse 30

■ Menu ea LCD ea dijithale kaofela ho bontša tšebetso le paramethara

■ Anti-stick, arc filling, automatic wire back-setting ha arc e ntse e emisa

■ Wide tokiso mefuta e fapaneng ya tjheseletsa gagamalo, nyenyane fluctuation ea tjheseletsa hona joale le voltage

■ Pontšo ea dijithale ea hona joale, voltage, le lebelo la ho macha

■ Tšehetsa GTAW le carbon gouging, phahameng sebelisa karo-karolelano

■ Ho feto-fetoha ha motlakase oa ±20% ho ka mamelloa

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MZE Series ea Tandem SAW Welding MachineMZE Series ea Tandem SAW Welding Machine

MZE Series ea Tandem SAW Welding Machine



■ Ka bobeli mohloli oa matla le terekere DSP taolo ea dijithale tsohle le puisano ea dijithale

■ E na le database ea litsebi, le likanale tse 30 tsa ho boloka

■ Menu le mesebetsi Pontšo ea LCD le taolo, ho sebetsa habonolo

■ Start-arc anti-stick, terata ea koloi morao ha arc e emisa

■ Pontšo ea dijithale le ho seta esale pele ha hona joale, motlakase le lebelo la ho macha

■ maqhubu a AC le karo-karolelano ea mosebetsi e ka fetoloa

■ Mohloli oa matla oa AC/DC le mohloli oa matla oa DC li sebetsa ka nako e le 'ngoe ntle le ho amana

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